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[請問] 英文文章幫忙翻譯(文長)
Mar 25th 2015, 08:31, by okbon66

作者okbon66 (專搞8P的灰哥)


標題[請問] 英文文章幫忙翻譯(文長)

時間Wed Mar 25 08:31:06 2015

幫在職進修的姪女代貼作業上來,因為她白天要工作沒有多少時間可以唸書 由於本魯英文程度不佳,所以頂多只能幫忙打字以及貼到google翻譯 但是google翻譯出來的語句不是很通順,所以能否請英文強者幫忙順一下翻譯的句子 意者給予1000 P幣小小酬勞,謝謝 (可以直接回信到信箱) In the 1930s, fifty years before his report, there was apparently a debate on whether to include elevators in the housing project area in which he concentrated his analysis. If included, the resulting increase in break-even rents would have been 3 percent. A comparison of these additional costs with costs of not making housing accessible showed that each year Swedish society is losing over SEK 160 million (approximately 40 million US. dollars) for a total of some SEK 5,800 millions (approximately 1,450 million US. dollars) “ wasted” by the 1980s. All in all, it cost thousands of times more than what the original investment might have been. Deborah Chollet (Dunn 1987) estimates that renovated housing in the United States yields benefits in terms of reduced support services, amounting from thirteen to twenty-two times the levels of cost and Beatrice Lewis (1985) documented similar benefits vis-à-vis children. 在1930年代,他的報告50年前,有明顯的是否包括在住房項目區中,他集中了他的分 析電梯辯論。如果包括,由此帶來的盈虧平衡租金本來是3%。與沒有進行訪問的住房成 本,這些額外費用的比較表明,每年瑞典社會正在失去過160萬瑞典克朗(約40億美元。 美元),在20世紀80年代總計約SEK 5800百萬(約1450億美元。美元)“被浪費“。總而 言之,它投資了可能是原來成本的幾千倍。德博拉‧Chollet(鄧恩1987)估計,在美國 裝修房屋產生效益,降低支持服務方面,從成本和比阿特麗斯‧劉易斯(1985)的13至22 倍的水平達載入文件類似的好處相對的兒童。 The current mature of our built environment may even have a direct etiological effect upon the “production” of disability. Accidents are generally regarded as one of the most preventable causes of disability. While public attention is often focused on traffic accidents, except for the teenager and young adult group the home is the major location. This increases directly with age. In both Sweden (Ratzka 1984) and the United States (National Safety Council 1980) persons of the age of 65 or older account for more than 75 percent of deaths due to falls, even though they compose less than 15 percent of the population. The population over the age of 65 has more accidents in the home than all other places combined (Collins 1985). The vast majority of these were falls on staircases and slips on wet surfaces such as in bathrooms (Collins 1985). Any public policy which would upgrade the safety standards of all entrance and toilet facilities (e.g., the requirement of nonslip surfaces and grab bars as standard equipment near toilets and in baths and showers) in all public accommodations (especially hotels) and encourage such adaptations in the private sphere (as in tax breaks given to those who insulate their houses during the “energy crisis”) could lead to dramatic increases in the prevention and postponement of certain disabilities. 我們的建築環境的當前成熟的甚至可能對殘疾的“生產”的直接病因的影響。事故通常被 視為殘疾的最可預防的原因之一。雖然公眾的注意力往往集中在交通事故,除了少年和年 輕成人組家庭是主要的位置。這直接增加了隨著年齡的增長。在這兩個瑞典(Ratzka 1984)和美國(美國國家安全委員會1980年)65歲以上佔75%以上的死亡年齡因跌倒的人 ,即使他們組成的人口不到15%。 65歲以上的人口在家裡比所有其他地方相結合(柯林 斯1985)更大的事故。這些絕大多數是在樓梯跌倒和滑倒在濕表面,如在浴室(柯林斯 1985)。任何公共政策這將提升所有入口和廁所設施(例如,防滑表面和扶手的洗手間近 的標準設備和浴缸和淋浴的要求)在所有公共場所(尤其是酒店),並鼓勵這些改編的安 全標準私人領域(如給那些誰是“能源危機”期間,隔離他們的房屋的稅收減免),可能 會導致急劇增加一定的殘疾預防和推遲。 A physical environment more flexible in orientation (i.e., not designed exclusively for able-bodied users) and more flexible in design (e.g., more adjustable in height and placement and reflective also of a range of cognitive and sensory needs) requires as much a change in perception as in architecture. If society perceives that the needs and abilities of people are constantly changing, it might alter its attitudes toward the built environment from one of “permanence” and “maintenance” to one of “ flexibility” and “adaptation." This is, in fact, what happened at Het Dorp in the Netherlands (Zola 1982) where such an expectation was part of the design for “this village” of people with varying and changing abilities. Thus, the village had a general crew of workers whose major task was to be available “to adapt” the built environment (in and out) to the changing needs of the resident. 物理環境更靈活的方向(即不是專門為體格健全的用戶)和更靈活的設計(例如,在高度 和位置,以及一系列的認知和感官需求的反射也更可調整)需要在感知盡可能多的變化如 在體系結構。如果社會覺察到,人的需求和能力是不斷變化的,它可能會改變其態度從“ 天長地久”和“維護”,以“靈活性”,一個一個內置環境“改編。”這是,事實上,發 生了什麼事時的Het的Dorp在荷蘭(1982年佐拉),其中這樣的期望是設計“這個村”的 人患有不同和改變能力的一部分。因此,村里有工人的一般工作人員,其主要任務是為可 用“適應”建築環境(進出)的居民不斷變化的需求。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

BigCat: 建議去翻案板 這篇有踩板規十一的危險 03/25 08:40

BigCat: 翻譯 03/25 08:41

power7: 板規11 03/25 08:41

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